The Utilities Department for the City of Mahnomen handles the water distribution system, wastewater stabilization ponds and the collection system. The department also maintains the city streets, parks, and public properties owned by the City.
Brian Buck is the Utilities Superintendent, he is licensed and certified for our current departments. Eric Lundon is in General Maintentance, he also is licensed and certified for our current departments. Parks Maintenance worker Nyal "Pink" Peterson is a welcomed part-time employee.
The City Shop is located at 413 N Railway St.
Contact Utilities
Street Department Shop
Street Department Cell
City Hall Emergency
After Hours Emergency
Public Works and Utilities Fees
Equipment and Labor Charges
(Minimum charge is one hour. $60 per hour per Public Works laborer)
Equipment (requires the use of city labor)
John Deer Tractor $85.00/hr
Big Loader 544 IT $115.00/hr
Bobcat Loader $65.00/hr
Skid Steer $90.00/hr
Skid Steer Attachments $35.00/hr additional (Mower & Grapple)
Lawn Mower $40.00/hr
Riding Lawn Mower $55.00/hr
Weed Eater $45.00/hr
Trucks $90.00/hr
Backhoe $95.00/hr
Street Sweeper $115.00/hr
Bucket Truck $100.00/hr
Chainsaw $50.00/hr
Sewer locating Camers $75.00/hr (for additional use after 1st request)
Permit - right-of-way excavation or utility work $300.00 + up to %1,000 deposit
(includes inspection)
Street or alley way vacation $300.00
Payments & Information
The water distribution system consists of three primary wells and a new treatment plant in 2004. The storage capacity system is a 300,000 gallon elevated tank with average daily volumes of approximately 225,000 gallons.
The sanitary sewer system has a total of six lift stations and a four cell stabilization pond system. It has capacity for future community development.
To see current water and sewer rate schedule for the City of Mahnomen click on the Fee Schedule below. Consumer Confidence Water Report is also available.
The City of Mahnomen has a Wellhead Protection Plan in place. Please contact City Hall for more information or feel free to browse the plan and maps attached for viewing.